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Zama is die beste! Zama is great!

Written by Michael Oguttu

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Willemien Wannberg

Language Afrikaans

Level Level 2

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My boetie slaap baie laat. Ek word vroeg wakker, want ek is die beste.

My little brother sleeps very late. I wake early, because I am great!

Ek is die een wat die son laat inskyn.

I am the one who lets in the sun.

“Jy is my oggendster,” sê Mamma.

“You’re my morning star,” says Ma.

Ek was myself, ek het nie hulp nodig nie.

I wash myself, I don’t need any help.

Ek kan regkom met koue water en blou lekkerruik seep.

I can cope with cold water and blue smelly soap.

Mamma herinner: “Moenie vergeet om jou tande te borsel nie.” Ek antwoord: “Nooit, nie ek nie!”

Ma reminds, “Don’t forget teeth.” I reply, “Never, not me!”

Nadat ek gewas het, groet ek vir Oupa en Tannie en wens hulle ‘n goeie dag toe.

After washing, I greet Grandpa and Auntie, and wish them a good day.

Dan trek ek myself aan. “Ek is nou groot, Mamma,” sê ek.

Then I dress myself, “I’m big now Ma,” I say.

Ek kan self my knope en my skoene vasmaak.

I can close my buttons and buckle my shoes.

Ek maak seker dat my boetie al die nuus van die skool af hoor.

And I make sure little brother knows all the school news.

In die klas, doen ek my bes in alles.

In class I do my best in every way.

Ek doen elke dag al hierdie goeie dinge, maar waarvan ek die meeste hou, is om te speel en speel!

I do all these good things every day. But the thing I like most, is to play and play!

Written by: Michael Oguttu
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Willemien Wannberg
Language: Afrikaans
Level: Level 2
Source: Zama is great! from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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