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Kinders van was Children of wax

Written by Southern African Folktale

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Suzette Hallatt, Helena Vilonel

Language Afrikaans

Level Level 2

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Lank - Lank gelede, was daar ‘n gelukkige familie.

Once upon a time, there lived a happy family.

Hulle het nooit met mekaar baklei nie. Hulle het hulle ouers by die huis en op die landerye gehelp.

They never fought with each other. They helped their parents at home and in the fields.

Maar, hulle was nie toegelaat om naby ‘n vuur te kom nie.

But they were not allowed to go near a fire.

Hulle moes al hulle werk deur die nag voltooi, want hulle was gemaak van was!

They had to do all their work during the night. Because they were made of wax!

Maar een van die seuns wou baie graag uitgaan in die sonlig.

But one of the boys longed to go out in the sunlight.

Een dag was die begeerte om uit te gaan te sterk. Sy broers het hom gewaarsku…

One day the longing was too strong. His brothers warned him…

Maar dit was te laat. Hy het in die warm son gesmelt.

But it was too late! He melted in the hot sun.

Die was kinders was so hartseer om te sien hoe hulle broer wegsmelt.

The wax children were so sad to see their brother melting away.

Maar hulle het ‘n plan beraam. Hulle het die gesmelte was in ‘n voël gevorm.

But they made a plan. They shaped the lump of melted wax into a bird.

Hulle het hom na ‘n hoë berg toe geneem.

They took their bird brother up to a high mountain.

Soos die son opgekom het, het hy singend weg gevlieg in die lig in.

And as the sun rose, he flew away singing into the morning light.

Written by: Southern African Folktale
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Suzette Hallatt, Helena Vilonel
Language: Afrikaans
Level: Level 2
Source: Children of wax from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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