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Straf Punishment

Written by Adelheid Marie Bwire

Illustrated by Melany Pietersen

Translated by Helena Vilonel

Language Afrikaans

Level Level 2

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Eendag het mamma ‘n klomp vrugte gekry.

One day, mama got a lot of fruit.

“Wanneer kan ons van die vrugte kry?” vra ons. ” Ons sal die vrugte vanaand eet,” sê mamma.

“When can we have some fruit?” we ask. “We will have the fruit tonight,” says mama.

My broer Rahim is gulsig. Hy proe aan al die vrugte. Hy eet ‘n klomp daarvan.

My brother Rahim is greedy. He tastes all the fruit. He eats a lot of it.

“Kyk wat het Rahim gedoen!” skree my klein boetie. “Rahim is stout en selfsugtig,” sê ek.

“Look at what Rahim did!” shouts my little brother. “Rahim is naughty and selfish,” I say.

Mamma is kwaad vir Rahim.

Mother is angry with Rahim.

Ons is ook kwaad vir Rahim. Maar Rahim is glad nie jammer nie.

We are also angry with Rahim. But Rahim is not sorry.

“Gaan Mamma nie vir Rahim straf nie?” vra my klein boetie.

“Aren’t you going to punish Rahim?” asks little brother.

“Rahim, jy gaan binne kort baie spyt wees,” waarsku mamma.

“Rahim, soon you will be sorry,” warns mama.

Rahim begin siek voel.

Rahim starts to feel sick.

” My maag is só seer,” fluister Rahim.

“My tummy is so sore,” whispers Rahim.

Mamma het geweet dit gaan gebeur. Die vrugte straf vir Rahim!

Mama knew this would happen. The fruit is punishing Rahim!

Later, vra Rahim ons omverskoning. ” Ek sal nooit weer so snoep wees nie,” belowe hy. En ons almal glo hom.

Later, Rahim says sorry to us. “I will never be so greedy again,” he promises. And we all believe him.

Written by: Adelheid Marie Bwire
Illustrated by: Melany Pietersen
Translated by: Helena Vilonel
Language: Afrikaans
Level: Level 2
Source: Punishment from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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