Un elefant va a beure aigua.
One elephant is going to drink water.
Dos girafes van a beure aigua.
Two giraffes are going to drink water.
Tres búfals i quatre ocells van a beure aigua també.
Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.
Cinc impales i sis porc senglars caminen cap a l’aigua.
Five impalas and six warthogs are walking to the water.
Set zebres corren cap a l’aigua.
Seven zebras are running to the water.
Vuit granotes i nou peixos estan nedant a l’aigua.
Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.
Un lleó rugeix. Ell també vol beure. Qui té por del lleó?
One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?
Un elefant está bevent aigua amb el lleó.
One elephant is drinking water with the lion.