Der var engang en lykkelig familie.
Once upon a time,
there lived a happy
De skændtes aldrig med hinanden. De hjalp deres forældre derhjemme og i markerne.
They never fought with
each other. They helped
their parents at home
and in the fields.
Men de måtte ikke gå i nærheden af ilden.
But they were not
allowed to go near a
De måtte arbejde om natten. For de var lavet af voks!
They had to do all their
work during the night.
Because they were made of wax!
Men en af drengene længtes efter at gå ud i sollyset.
But one of the boys
longed to go out in the
En dag blev længslen for stor. Hans brødre advarede ham …
One day the longing
was too strong. His
brothers warned him…
Men det var for sent! Han smeltede i den varme sol.
But it was too late!
He melted in the hot
Voksbørnene var så kede af at se deres bror smelte bort.
The wax children were
so sad to see their
brother melting away.
Men de lagde en plan. De formede en fugl af voksklumpen.
But they made a plan.
They shaped the lump
of melted wax into a
De tog deres fuglebror op på et højt bjerg.
They took their bird
brother up to a high
Og da solen stod op, fløj han syngende ud i morgenlyset.
And as the sun rose, he
flew away singing into
the morning light.