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Mukafumu wamure ngudu A very tall man

Written by Cornelius Gulere

Illustrated by Catherine Groenewald

Translated by Erwina N Kanyenge

Language Rumanyo

Level Level 2

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Litemo lyendi kwa kalire lyalifupi ngudu.

His hoe was too short.

Mpito yalivero lyendi kwa kalire yayifupi ngudu.

His doorway was too low.

Mbete yendi kwa kalire yayifupi ngudu.

His bed was too short.

Mbashikora yendi kwa kalire yayifupi ngudu.

His bicycle was too short.

Mukafumu uno kwa kalire wamure ngudu!

This man was too tall!

A tende mupondo wa kukwatera litemo waure ngudu.

He made a very long hoe handle.

A tende mpito yalivero yakuyeruka unene.

He made very high door frames.

A tende mbete yayire unene.

He made a very long bed.

A ghuru mbashikora yayire unene.

He bought a very high bicycle.

Ghuye a shungiri pashipuna shashire unene. A lita naforoko yayire ngudu.

He sat on a very high chair. He ate with a very long fork.

Ghuye a shuvu ndjugho yendi makura aka tunga mumutitu waunene. A ka paruka mwaka dadingi.

He left his house and lived in a big forest. He lived for many years.

Written by: Cornelius Gulere
Illustrated by: Catherine Groenewald
Translated by: Erwina N Kanyenge
Language: Rumanyo
Level: Level 2
Source: A very tall man from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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