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Nkuku naLighongorokanyi Chicken and Millipede

Written by Winny Asara

Illustrated by Magriet Brink

Translated by Peter Linyando Likoro

Language Rumanyo

Level Level 3

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Vankuku nalighorokanyi kwaku kwatire ghukwavo. Ngoli kehe pano kava rumbatananga. Liyuva limwe ava tokora kudana bara yakutanga va kenge ashi are po mudani wamunene.

Chicken and Millipede were friends. But they were always competing with each other. One day they decided to play football to see who the best player was.

Ava yendi kushira shamaudano gha bara yakutanga kumwe naka vareka maudadano ghavo. Nkuku kwa kwangulitire, ene ngoli lighongorokanyi kwakwalitire unene. Nkuku a tangere kwaure, ene ngoli lighongorokanyi ali tangere kwaure unene. Nkuku ava kugarapa.

They went to the football field and started their game. Chicken was fast, but Millipede was faster. Chicken kicked far, but Millipede kicked further. Chicken started to feel grumpy.

Ava tokora kudana penaliti. Pamuhovo lighongorokanyi kwa kalire mukwati. Nkuku a ngeneke tupu mbara yimwe. Apa ya kwama ngoli mpito yankuku yakundura mbara.

They decided to play a penalty shoot-out. First Millipede was goal keeper. Chicken scored only one goal. Then it was the chicken’s turn to defend the goal.

Lighongorokanyi ali tanga mbara ayi ngene. Lighongorokanyi ali konauka nambala dogoro kangeneka. Lighongorokanyi ali toghoba mbara namutwe ayi ngene. Lighongorokanyi kwawokitire mbara ntano.

Millipede kicked the ball and scored. Millipede dribbled the ball and scored. Millipede headed the ball and scored. Millipede scored five goals.

Nkuku a garapa unene mukondashi ana kombanita. A kombanita unene. Lighongorokanyi a vareke kushepa muholi wendi mukondashi uye ana fudakana.

Chicken was furious that she lost. She was a very bad loser. Millipede started laughing because his friend was making such a fuss.

Nkuku a garapire unene nko kuyashama unene nakumina lighongorokanyi.

Chicken was so angry that she opened her beak wide and swallowed the millipede.

Pakuyenda kumundi nkuku mpo a kugwanikure navawina valighongorokani. Vawina valighongorokanyi ava mu pura, ” Una mono ko monande ndi?” Nkuku kwato ovyo alimburulire. Vawina vaLighongorokanyi va kalire shinka.

As Chicken was walking home, she met Mother Millipede. Mother Millipede asked, “Have you seen my child?” Chicken didn’t say anything. Mother Millipede was worried.

Makura vawina vaLighongorokanyi ava liwyi lyalididi. ” mvhaterenu yina! Ali liri liywi. Vawina valighongorokanyi ava piraraghuka vakenga nakuntje nakutegherera nawa. Liywi kwatundire munda yankuku.

Then Mother Millipede heard a tiny voice. “Help me mom!” cried the voice. Mother Millipede looked around and listened carefully. The voice came from inside the chicken.

Nyokwa lighongorokanyi ayiyiri, ” Ruhanita nkondo doye monande!” Maghongorokanyi kuvhura kufumburuka mwamudona na kuyivika udona-dona. Nkuku a vareke kuvera.

Mother Millipede shouted, “Use your special power my child!” Millipedes can make a bad smell and a terrible taste. Chicken began to feel ill.

Nkuku a pikuka. Makura a mini manyenye. Makura a wetjimita nakukotora. Makura akotora. Lighongorokanyi ali kara djanyi-djani!

Chicken burped. Then she swallowed and spat. Then she sneezed and coughed. And coughed. The millipede was disgusting!

Nkuku a kotora dogoro lighongorokanyi lyakaliro mulipumba lyendi ali tundu mo. Nyokwa lighongorokanyi namonendi nko kukokava dogoro kushitonda vaka bate.

Chicken coughed until she coughed out the millipede that was in her stomach. Mother Millipede and her child crawled up a tree to hide.

Kutunda liyuva olyo, nkuku namaghorokanyi mbyo valaire ngoli vanankore.

From that time, chickens and millipedes were enemies.

Written by: Winny Asara
Illustrated by: Magriet Brink
Translated by: Peter Linyando Likoro
Language: Rumanyo
Level: Level 3
Source: Chicken and Millipede from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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