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Vanuke valinongo Children of wax

Written by Southern African Folktale

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Erwina N Kanyenge

Language Rumanyo

Level Level 2

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Mwaka dakapito, pakalire lipata lyaruhafo.

Once upon a time, there lived a happy family.

Vavo kapi kava kurwanitanga. Vavo kava vateranga vakondi vavo mumundi na kumafuva.

They never fought with each other. They helped their parents at home and in the fields.

Ngoli kapi vava pulitilire va yende pepi namundiro.

But they were not allowed to go near a fire.

Vavo kava rughananga viruwana vyavyo navintje matiku, mukondashi kwa va tendire nalinongo!

They had to do all their work during the night. Because they were made of wax!

Ano ngoli umwe vavo vamati ka shananga kuyenda pandje pakantjenya.

But one of the boys longed to go out in the sunlight.

Liyuva limwe shihoro shakuyenda pandje ashi kontora. Vakuru vendi vavamati ava murondora…

One day the longing was too strong. His brothers warned him…

Ngoli kwa kalire maranga unene! Mpo a yengumukire kuupyu waliyuva.

But it was too late! He melted in the hot sun.

Vanuke vano valinongo ava guvu unene pakumona mughunyavo wamumati kuna kuyengumuka.

The wax children were so sad to see their brother melting away.

Vavo ava ghungu po lighano. Ava tende mpu yalirova lyakuyengumuka likare shidira.

But they made a plan. They shaped the lump of melted wax into a bird.

Ava twara mughunyavo washidira kuwiru kundundu dadire.

They took their bird brother up to a high mountain.

Makura liyuva a li pumu, a tuka aka yende okuno kuna kuyimba mushite shangurangura.

And as the sun rose, he flew away singing into the morning light.

Written by: Southern African Folktale
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Erwina N Kanyenge
Language: Rumanyo
Level: Level 2
Source: Children of wax from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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