When they were nearly home,
Nozibele put her hand to her neck.
She had forgotten her necklace!
“Please come back with me!” she
begged her friends.
But her friends said it was too late.
Igo Nozibele akairana bweka gochia
ase oroche roria.
Akanyora rindere riria riaye
nakoayerera koirana gochia nka.
Rakini agasira omosunte ime.
So Nozibele went back to the river
She found her necklace and hurried
But she got lost in the dark.
Egeka are iga akarora oborabu
bokorwa ase enyomba gete.
Akaayerera gochia aroro
nogokong’onta omorangu.
In the distance she saw light
coming from a hut.
She hurried towards it and knocked
at the door.
Ase omoichano oye, esese ekaigora
omorangu oria nakomoboria, “Ninki
“Gaki nasirire enchera naende nigo
intagete ase yokorara,” Nozibele
Inchwo soa, gose inkorome,” esese
eria egateba.
Igo Nozibele agasoa enyomba ime.
To her surprise, a dog opened the
door and said, “What do you want?”
“I’m lost and I need a place to
sleep,” said Nozibele.
“Come in, or I’ll bite you!” said the
So Nozibele went in.
Then the dog said, “Cook for me!”
“But I’ve never cooked for a dog
before,” she answered.
“Cook, or I’ll bite you!” said the dog.
So Nozibele cooked some food for
the dog.
Then the dog said, “Make the bed
for me!”
Nozibele answered, “I’ve never
made a bed for a dog.”
“Make the bed, or I’ll bite you!” the
dog said.
So Nozibele made the bed.
Every day she had to cook and
sweep and wash for the dog.
Then one day the dog said,
“Nozibele, today I have to visit
some friends. Sweep the house,
cook the food and wash my things
before I come back.”
As soon as the dog had gone,
Nozibele took three hairs from her
She put one hair under the bed, one
behind the door, and one in the
Then she ran home as fast as she
Ekero esese eria yairanete, akarigia
“Nozibele, ng’ai ore?” ekarangeria.
“Noo nde igaa nse yegetanda.”
Etukia eria entang’ani egateba
“Noo nde igaa magega
yomorangu,” etukia eria yakabere
“ Noo nde igaa ase orobago,” etukia
eria yagatato egateba.
When the dog came back, he looked
for Nozibele.
“Nozibele, where are you?” he
“I’m here, under the bed,” said the
first hair.
“I’m here, behind the door,” said the
second hair.
“I’m here, in the kraal,” said the
third hair.
Then the dog knew that Nozibele
had tricked him.
So he ran and ran all the way to the
But Nozibele’s brothers were
waiting there with big sticks.
The dog turned and ran away and
has never been seen since.