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Tom murandesi gomabanana Tom the banana seller

Written by Humphreys Odunga

Illustrated by Zablon Alex Nguku

Translated by Anna Sengumbe

Language Kwangali

Level Level 2

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Tom kusimba sikumba somabanana gokupya.

Tom carries a tray of ripe bananas.

Tom kuza kositanda aka randese mabanana.

Tom goes to the market to sell bananas.

Vantu positanda kuna kuranda enyango.

People at the market are buying fruit.

Nye kwato ogu ana kuranda mabanana ga Tom.Awo kwa hara kuranda enyango ava randesa vakadi.

But no one is buying Tom’s bananas. They prefer to buy fruit from women.

“Momukunda gwetu, vakadi velike ava randesa enyango,” yimo ava uyunga vantu.”Mugara musinke ogu?” yimo vana kulipura vantu.

“In our community, only women sell fruit,” people say. “What kind of a man is this?” people ask.

Nye Tom kapi ana kuhageka.Ta zigire, “Nomuyarande mabanana!, Mabanana gomatovara gokupya nawa!”

But Tom does not give up. He calls, “Buy my bananas! Buy my sweet ripe bananas!”

Mukadi gumwe tagusapo mabanana gomanzi posikumba sendi.Taga tarurura nawa_nawa.

One woman picks up a bunch of bananas from the tray. She looks at the bananas carefully.

Mukadi ta randa mabanana.

The woman buys the bananas.

Vantu wovanzi tava wiza pevango lyerandesero lya Tom.Tava randa mabanana ga Tom noku galya.

More people come to the stall. They buy Tom’s bananas and eat them.

Nakaruvalisi mabanana nagenye gana pu po posikumba.Tom ta varura yimaliwa eyi ana randesa.

Soon, the tray is empty. Tom counts the money he earned.

Makura Tom ta randa mfewa, suka ntani nomboroto, tayi tura posikumba sendi esi kasi kara mabanana.

Then Tom buys soap, sugar, and bread. He puts the things in his tray.

Tom ta litwike sikumba sendi pomutwe nokuza ko kembo.

Tom balances the tray on his head and goes home.

Written by: Humphreys Odunga
Illustrated by: Zablon Alex Nguku
Translated by: Anna Sengumbe
Language: Kwangali
Level: Level 2
Source: Tom the banana seller from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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