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Wambuzi, Wambwa ne Wante Goat, Dog, and Cow

Written by Fabian Wakholi

Illustrated by Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Mansamba Martha

Language Luganda

Level Level 2

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Wambuzzi, Wambwa ne Wante baali ba mukwano nnyo. Olumu baagenda ku lugendo mu takisi.

Goat, Dog, and Cow were great friends. One day they went on a journey in a taxi.

Bwe baatuuka gye balaga, omugoba w’emmotoka na’basaba basasule ssente. Wante yasasula ezize.

When they reached the end of their journey, the driver asked them to pay their fares. Cow paid her fare.

Wambwa yasasula ezisinga ku ze yali alina okusasula, kubanga teyalina muwendo gwa ssente gwennyini.

Dog paid a bit extra, because he did not have the correct money.

Omugoba w’emmotoka yali anaatera okuddiza Wambwa ssente ze naye Wambuzi n’atandika okudduka ate nga tasasudde.

The driver was about to give Dog his change when Goat ran away without paying anything.

Omugoba yanyiiga nnyo era n’agenda nga taddizza Wambwa ssente ze.

The driver was very annoyed. He drove away without giving Dog his change.

Ky’ova olaba n’okutuusa leero, Wambwa adduka okulingiza mu mmotoka alabe omugoba omuvuzi w’emmotoka alina ssente ze.

That is why, even today, Dog runs towards a car to peep inside and find the driver who owes him his change.

Ate ye Wambuzi bw’awulira emmotoka ejja, adduka kubanga atya nti bayinza okumukwata olw’obutasasula.

Goat runs away from the sound of a car. She is afraid she will be arrested for not paying her fare.

Wante ye tafaayo oba emmotoka ne bw’eba ejja. Asala ekkubo nga yeetwala anti akimanyi nti yasasula n’amalayo.

And Cow is not bothered when a car is coming. Cow takes her time crossing the road because she knows she paid her fare in full.

Written by: Fabian Wakholi
Illustrated by: Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Mansamba Martha
Language: Luganda
Level: Level 2
Source: Goat, Dog and Cow from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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