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Ekibonerezo Punishment

Written by Adelheid Marie Bwire

Illustrated by Melany Pietersen

Language Luganda

Level Level 2

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Olunaku lumu maama yale ebibala, ennanansi, amenvu, emicu emiyembe amapeera. Yabiwanika ku kabada wag.

One day, mama got a lot of fruit.

Twabuuza maama nti “Ffe tunaalya ddi ku bibala?” Maama yaddamu nti, “Tujja kulya olwaleero.”

“When can we have some fruit?” we ask. “We will have the fruit tonight,” says mama.

Muganda wange Kayima wamululu nnyo. Yagenda alumaluma ku buli kibala. ebisinga yeyabirya. Bweyamala okubirya ye nagenda okuzannya.

My brother Rahim is greedy. He tastes all the fruit. He eats a lot of it.

Muto wange omulala yagamba nti “Mazima labayo kayima kyakoze!” Kayima si muntu mulungi ate alina nnyo omululu.

“Look at what Rahim did!” shouts my little brother. “Rahim is naughty and selfish,” I say.

Maama yanyigira nnyo Kayima.

Mother is angry with Rahim.

Era naffe twanyigira nnyo Kayima. Kyokka yye Kayima nga teyefiirayo.

We are also angry with Rahim. But Rahim is not sorry.

Muto wange yabuuza maama nti “Kayima togenda kumubonereza?”

“Aren’t you going to punish Rahim?” asks little brother.

“Kayima, olina okutwentondera mangu ddala”

“Rahim, soon you will be sorry,” warns mama.

Kati kayima tawulira bulungi.

Rahim starts to feel sick.

Kayima yayogera mu kaama nti “Olubuto lunnuma nnyo.”

“My tummy is so sore,” whispers Rahim.

Maama yali yakitegedde dda nti olubuto lujja kumuluma. Kati ebibala bibonereza Kayima!

Mama knew this would happen. The fruit is punishing Rahim!

Oluvanyuma Kayima yatusaba tumusonyiwe. Yagamba nti “sikyaddamu kubeera na mululu mulundi mulala” naffe twamusonyiwa.

Later, Rahim says sorry to us. “I will never be so greedy again,” he promises. And we all believe him.

Written by: Adelheid Marie Bwire
Illustrated by: Melany Pietersen
Language: Luganda
Level: Level 2
Source: Punishment from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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