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Puli, Nja ni Komu Goat, Dog, and Cow

Written by Fabian Wakholi

Illustrated by Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Christabel Songiso, Akombelwa Muyangana

Language SiLozi (Namibia)

Level Level 2

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Puli, Nja ni Komu neli balikani babatuna. Zazi leliñwi baanga musipili ka mota.

Goat, Dog, and Cow were great friends. One day they went on a journey in a taxi.

Asebafitile kwa mafelelezo a musipili wabona, muzamaisi wa mota aba bulelela kuli balifele musipili. Komu sa itifela.

When they reached the end of their journey, the driver asked them to pay their fares. Cow paid her fare.

Nja ya lifa tifo ye fitelezi hanyinyani, kakuli neisina masheleñi anaswanehela.

Dog paid a bit extra, because he did not have the correct money.

Muzamaisi wa mota asabata kufa Nja masheleñi ayona ana fitelezi, Puli yamata kusina kulifa sesiñwi.

The driver was about to give Dog his change when Goat ran away without paying anything.

Muzamaisi wa mota na nyemile hahulu. Sakwaeza mota kutokwa nikufa Nja masheleñi ayona.

The driver was very annoyed. He drove away without giving Dog his change.

Kikabaka leo, neba kacenu nja imatelanga kwa mota kuyonangela mwahali kubata muzamaisi ya sanani masheleñi ayona.

That is why, even today, Dog runs towards a car to peep inside and find the driver who owes him his change.

Puli yamatanga haiutwa mulomo wa mota. Ya saba kuli ikatamiwa kabaka la kusalifa masheleñi anzila.

Goat runs away from the sound of a car. She is afraid she will be arrested for not paying her fare.

Mi komu hainataba mota ni haifita. Komu inganga nako kutula mukwakwa kakuli iziba kuli neilifile tifo ya nzila yayona ye kwanile.

And Cow is not bothered when a car is coming. Cow takes her time crossing the road because she knows she paid her fare in full.

Written by: Fabian Wakholi
Illustrated by: Marleen Visser, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Christabel Songiso, Akombelwa Muyangana
Language: SiLozi (Namibia)
Level: Level 2
Source: Goat, Dog and Cow from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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