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Kasumbi na chingolongochi Chicken and Millipede

Written by Winny Asara

Illustrated by Magriet Brink

Translated by masho kaloza

Language Luvale

Level Level 3

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kasumbi na chingolongochi vapwile ma sepa. wunonyi vapwilenga nakulyeseka wumwe namukwavo. likumbi limwe vasakwile kuta ngunja nakumona hiya ejiva chikuma.

Chicken and Millipede were friends. But they were always competing with each other. One day they decided to play football to see who the best player was.

Vayile kwakwashila nguja nakuputuka kwasa. Kasumbi apwilenga nakutambukisa, wunonyi chingolongochi apwilenga nakutambukisa chikuma. kusumbi apanchile kwakusuku, wunonyi chingolongochi apanchile kwakusuku chikuma. Kasumbi aputukile kwivwa kulihona.

They went to the football field and started their game. Chicken was fast, but Millipede was faster. Chicken kicked far, but Millipede kicked further. Chicken started to feel grumpy.

Vasakwile kuteya ma penoti. Chingolongochi akwachile chakavanga kaha kasumbi engishile kaha kamwe. shikaho yapwilenga lola lwa kasumbi kukinga mwakwingishila ngunja.

They decided to play a penalty shoot-out. First Millipede was goal keeper. Chicken scored only one goal. Then it was the chicken’s turn to defend the goal.

Chingolongochi ashile ngunja nakwingisa . chingolongochi ashile chindende ngunja nakwingisa . chingolongochi engishile ngunja katanu.

Millipede kicked the ball and scored. Millipede dribbled the ball and scored. Millipede headed the ball and scored. Millipede scored five goals.

kasumbi apihililile momo alujile. apwilenga muka kuluza wamupi. chingolongochi aputukile kusehya momo sepa lyenyi asulakanyine.

Chicken was furious that she lost. She was a very bad loser. Millipede started laughing because his friend was making such a fuss.

kasumbi asulakanyine kaha wunonyi asokolwele muvumbo wenyi nakumina chingolongochi.

Chicken was so angry that she opened her beak wide and swallowed the millipede.

Omu kasumbi apwile nakuya kwimbo, awanyine mama ya chingolongochi. mama yachingolongochi ahulishile, “wamonoko mwanami?” kasumbi kahanjikile vili vyosenako. mama ya chingolongochi alizakaminyine chikuma.

As Chicken was walking home, she met Mother Millipede. Mother Millipede asked, “Have you seen my child?” Chicken didn’t say anything. Mother Millipede was worried.

kaha mama yachingolongochi evwile ka lizu kakandende.”Ngukafwe mama!” lizu lyalilile. mama ya chingolongochi atalile hosena nakwivwilila kanawa mukuwunda. lizu lya fumine mu lijimo lya kasumbi.

Then Mother Millipede heard a tiny voice. “Help me mom!” cried the voice. Mother Millipede looked around and listened carefully. The voice came from inside the chicken.

mama yachingolongochi atambakanyine, “zachisa ngolo jove mwanami!” chingolongochi nahase kupanga livumba lyalipi na chipepa chachapi. kasumbi aputukile kwivwa kuviza.

Mother Millipede shouted, “Use your special power my child!” Millipedes can make a bad smell and a terrible taste. Chicken began to feel ill.

kasumbi asajile. kaha aminyine and namukolomeno. kaha achuhwile naku kohola. chingolongochi apihile chikuma!

Chicken burped. Then she swallowed and spat. Then she sneezed and coughed. And coughed. The millipede was disgusting!

kasumbi akohwele nomu akohwele chingolongochi apwilenga mulijimo lyenyi. mama ya chingolongochi vanyinyile kumutondo nakuswama.

Chicken coughed until she coughed out the millipede that was in her stomach. Mother Millipede and her child crawled up a tree to hide.

kufuma lize likumbi, tusumbi na vingolongochi vali jinda.

From that time, chickens and millipedes were enemies.

Written by: Winny Asara
Illustrated by: Magriet Brink
Translated by: masho kaloza
Language: Luvale
Level: Level 3
Source: Chicken and Millipede from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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