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Chali na Ngonga Hen and Eagle

Written by Ann Nduku

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by masho kaloza

Language Luvale

Level Level 3

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lola lumwe, chali na ngonga vapwilenga masepa. vatwamine mukuwunda natujila vose. wawuchi imba wumwe nahase kutuka.

Once upon a time, Hen and Eagle were friends. They lived in peace with all the other birds. None of them could fly.

likumbi limwe, mwapwilenga zala yakanyombo mungalila. Ngonga atambukile kwakusuku nakuwana vyakulya. ahilukile ninshi nazeye. ” munahase kupwa jila yimwe yayashi kwendela!” Ngonga ahanjikile.

One day, there was famine in the land. Eagle had to walk very far to find food. She came back very tired. “There must be an easier way to travel!” said Eagle.

Halutwe lwa kusavala cha mwaza chawufuku, chali apwilenga namangana. aputukile kumbata wungona waholokele kufuma kutujila masepavo. “twayenu tuwatonge hamwe helu lya wungona wetu,” ahanjikile. “momo nachovwahisa kutambuka.”

After a good night’s sleep, Hen had a brilliant idea. She began collecting the fallen feathers from all their bird friends. “Let’s sew them together on top of our own feathers,” she said. “Perhaps that will make it easier to travel.”

Ngonga yikiye kaha apwilenga na ndongo mwimbo, shikaho aputukile kulitonga chakavanga. Alipangililile yavene mavava amwaza nakumbuluka helu lya chali. chali alombele ndongo wunonyi azeyele kutonga. asele ndongo haze hakuhakila mapasa nakuya muchisambwe nakuwahisa vyakulya ya vana venyi.

Eagle was the only one in the village with a needle, so she started sewing first. She made herself a pair of beautiful wings and flew high above Hen. Hen borrowed the needle but she soon got tired of sewing. She left the needle on the cupboard and went into the kitchen to prepare food for her children.

wunonyi tujila vamwene ngonga kumbululuka nakuya. vahulishile chali kuvakafwako ndongo mangana valipange mavava navakiko. chalumbende mwapwilenga tujila kutuka mwilu.

But the other birds had seen Eagle flying away. They asked Hen to lend them the needle to make wings for themselves too. Soon there were birds flying all over the sky.

omu kajila wakukumishila ahilwishile ndongo yakulomba, chali kapwilekoko, shikaho vana venyi vayimbachile nakuyihemesa. omu vazeyele nakuhema nayo vasele ndongo mu mavu.

When the last bird returned the borrowed needle, Hen was not there. So her children took the needle and started playing with it. When they got tired of the game, they left the needle in the sand.

Halikumbi lize musana, Ngonga ahilukile. Ahulishile ndongo mangana alitunge wungona wasekanyine hawungeji wenyi. chali atondele hakuhakila malonga. atondele muchisambwe. atondele muweluka. wunonyi ndongo kavayiwanyineko.

Later that afternoon, Eagle returned. She asked for the needle to fix some feathers that had loosened on her journey. Hen looked on the cupboard. She looked in the kitchen. She looked in the yard. But the needle was nowhere to be found.

“Nguhaneko likumbi limwe,” chali alambililile Ngonga. “kaha muliwahisa mavava mangana wutuke nakuya nakutonda vyakulya cheka.”“likumbi limwe kaha,” Ngonga ahanjikile, nge muhona kuyiwana, watela kunguhana mwanove wumwe mangana yipwenga nge fweto.”

“Just give me a day,” Hen begged Eagle. “Then you can fix your wing and fly away to get food again.” “Just one more day,” said Eagle. “If you can’t find the needle, you’ll have to give me one of your chicks as payment.”

Omu Ngonga ejile likumbi lyamuchivali, awanyine chali kusanda muwusekeseke, wunonyi ndongo yapwile yawuchi. shikaho ngonga ambululukile hamavu washi nakukwata kamwana kamwe. akambachile. hayamyaka kufuma haze, halihosena nge ngonga nasolokela, echi kuwana chali kusanda muwusekeseke kutonda ndongo.

When Eagle came the next day, she found Hen scratching in the sand, but no needle. So Eagle flew down very fast and caught one of the chicks. She carried it away. Forever after that, whenever Eagle appears, she finds Hen scratching in the sand for the needle.

Nge chali namono muvwimbimbi wa livava lya ngonga hamavu, chali echi kwijivisa vanavenyi. “fumenu haweluka,”kaha vechi kukumbululanga:” katwahulamako. natuchina.”

As the shadow of Eagle’s wing falls on the ground, Hen warns her chicks. “Get out of the bare and dry land.” And they respond: “We are not fools. We will run.”

Written by: Ann Nduku
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: masho kaloza
Language: Luvale
Level: Level 3
Source: Hen and Eagle from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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