Enn lelefan pe al bwar delo.
One elephant is going to drink water.
De ziraf pe al bwar delo.
Two giraffes are going to drink water.
Trwa bef ek kat zwazo pe al bwar delo.
Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.
Sink impala ek sis koson-maron pe al bwar delo.
Five impalas and six warthogs are walking to the water.
Set zeb pe galoup ver delo.
Seven zebras are running to the water.
Wit krapo ek nef pwason pe naze dan delo.
Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.
Enn lion grogne. Li ousi li anvi bwar. Kisann-la per lion?
One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?
Enn lelefan pe bwar delo avek lion-la.
One elephant is drinking water with the lion.