ǀGui ǂkhoab ge ǁgama garu.
One elephant is going to drink water.
ǀGam ǃgaroǃnai kha ge ǁgama garu.
Two giraffes are going to drink water.
ǃNona ǃgarogomagu tsî haka anin on ge ǁgama garu.
Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.
Koro ǃkhaupirin tsî ǃnani dirigu on ge ǁgama garu.
Five impalas and six warthogs are walking to the water.
Hû ǃgoren ge ǁgama garu.
Seven zebras are running to the water.
ǁKhaisa ǁgôadi tsî khoese ǁaun on ra tsâ.
Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.
ǁGâ ra xammi on ra ā ǂgao. Hame nē xamma ra ǃao.
One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?
ǀGui ǂkhoab ge xammi ǀkha ra ǀhûbe ā.
One elephant is drinking water with the lion.