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Nane Edianlɛ Counting animals

Written by Zanele Buthelezi, Thembani Dladla, Clare Verbeek

Illustrated by Rob Owen

Translated by Susana Ackah (OLE Ghana)

Language Nzema

Level Level 1

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Ɛzonle ko ɛlɛkɔ anlo nzule.

One elephant is going to drink water.

Ɛtɔnga nwiɔ ɛlɛkɔ anlo nzule.

Two giraffes are going to drink water.

Εbonu ɛnlankɛ nsa nee noma nna noko ɛlɛkɔ anlo nzule.

Three buffaloes and four birds are also going to drink water.

Hwɛlɛ nnu nee kɔkɔte nsia ɛlɛtia ahɔ nzule ne anwo.

Five impalas and six warthogs are walking to the water.

Zibila nnsu ɛlɛnradi ahɔ nzule ne anwo.

Seven zebras are running to the water.

Ahelɛne mɔtwe nee fɛlɛ ngɔnla ɛlɛbia nzule ne anu.

Eight frogs and nine fish are swimming in the water.

Anwenade ko ɛlɛsu. Ɔdaye noko ɔkpondɛ kɛ ɔno nzule. Nwane a sulo anwenade ne a?

One lion roars. He also wants to drink. Who is afraid of the lion?

Ɛzonle ko nee anwenade ne ɛlɛno nzule.

One elephant is drinking water with the lion.

Written by: Zanele Buthelezi, Thembani Dladla, Clare Verbeek
Illustrated by: Rob Owen
Translated by: Susana Ackah (OLE Ghana)
Language: Nzema
Level: Level 1
Source: Counting animals from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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