Iha tempu uluk, Manu Inan no Makikit belun di’ak. Sira hela ho paz ho manu sira seluk. Nein sira ida bele semo.
Once upon a time, Hen and
Eagle were friends. They lived
in peace with all the other birds.
None of them could fly.
Loron ida, iha tempu hamlaha iha rai. Makikit tenke la’o dook tebes atu buka hahán. Nia fila mai kolen tebes. “Tenke iha dalan fasil liu ida atu viajen!” Makikit dehan.
One day, there was famine in
the land. Eagle had to walk very
far to find food. She came back
very tired.
“There must be an easier way
to travel!” said Eagle.
Depois de toba-kalan ida ne’ebé di’ak, Manu Inan iha planu brillante ida. Nia komesa rekolla ona manu fulun sira ne’ebé monu husi sira nia belun manu seluk.” Mai suku sira hamutuk iha ita nia fulun leten,” nia dehan. “Talvez ne’e sei sai fasil atu halo viajen.”
After a good night’s sleep, Hen
had a brilliant idea. She began
collecting the fallen feathers
from all their bird friends.
“Let’s sew them together on top
of our own feathers,” she said.
“Perhaps that will make it easier
to travel.”
Makikit mak ida mesak ne’ebé iha daun, ho nune’e nia komesa suku. Fofoun nia halo ba nia aan liras furak sira no semo aas tebes iha manu inan nia leten. Manu inan empresta daun ne’e maibé lakleur de’it komesa sente kolen husi suku. Nia husik hela daun ne’e iha armáriu no ba iha dapur atu prepara hahán ba ninia oan sira.
Eagle was the only one in the
village with a needle, so she
started sewing first.
She made herself a pair of
beautiful wings and flew high
above Hen.
Hen borrowed the needle but
she soon got tired of sewing.
She left the needle on the
cupboard and went into the
kitchen to prepare food for her
Maibé manu sira seluk haree tiha ona Makikit semo dook. Sira husu Manu Inan atu empresta ba sira daun hodi nune’e sira bele halo liras ba sira nia aan. Lakleur iha manu barak tebes mak semo haleu kalohan leten.
But the other birds had seen
Eagle flying away. They asked
Hen to lend them the needle to
make wings for themselves too.
Soon there were birds flying all
over the sky.
Bainhira manu ikus liu fó fila daun ne’ebé sira empresta, Manu Inan laiha ne’eba. Entaun ninia oan sira foti tiha daun ne’e no komesa halimar ho daun. Bainhira sira sente kole halimar ho jogu ne’ebé sira halimar, sira husik hela daun iha rai-henek laran.
When the last bird returned the
borrowed needle, Hen was not
there. So her children took the
needle and started playing with
When they got tired of the
game, they left the needle in
the sand.
Iha loraik ne’e, Makikit fila. Nia husu daun ne’e atu hadi’a ninia-fulun balun ne’ebé mamar tiha depois de ninia viajen. Manu Inan haree ba armáriu. Nia buka iha dapur. Nia buka iha jardin. Maibé daun ne’e buka lahetan.
Later that afternoon, Eagle
returned. She asked for the
needle to fix some feathers that
had loosened on her journey.
Hen looked on the cupboard.
She looked in the kitchen. She
looked in the yard. But the
needle was nowhere to be
“Fó loron ida mai ha’u,” Manu Inan harohan ba Makikit. “Depois o sei hadi’a o nia liras no semo dook tan hodi buka hahán.” “Loron ida de’it tan,” Makikit dehan. “Se o lahetan daun ne’e, o tenke fó ba ha’u o nia oan sira ida nu’udar pagamentu.”
“Just give me a day,” Hen
begged Eagle. “Then you can
fix your wing and fly away to
get food again.”
“Just one more day,” said Eagle.
“If you can’t find the needle,
you’ll have to give me one of
your chicks as payment.”
Bainhira Makikit fila loron tuir mai, nia haree Manu Inan ke’e hela rai-henek, maibé laiha daun ida. Ho nune’e Makikit semo badak lalais loos no foti tiha manu oan sira ne’e ida. Nia semo lori dook tiha manu oan. Depois de ne’e, para-sempre, bainhira Makikit mosu, nia sei buka Manu Inan ke’e rai-henek buka hela daun ne’e.
When Eagle came the next day,
she found Hen scratching in the
sand, but no needle.
So Eagle flew down very fast
and caught one of the chicks.
She carried it away.
Forever after that, whenever
Eagle appears, she finds Hen
scratching in the sand for the
Bainhira Makikit ninia lalatak monu ba rai, Manu Inan alerta ninia oan sira. “Sai husi rai maran no mamuk ne’e.” No sira sei responde: “Ami la’os beik-teen. Ami sei halai.”
As the shadow of Eagle’s wing
falls on the ground, Hen warns
her chicks. “Get out of the bare
and dry land.”
And they respond:
“We are not fools. We will run.”
Written by: Ann Nduku
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Aurelio da Costa
Read by: Aurelio da Costa, Vitalina dos Santos, Criscencia R. Da Costa Viana