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Tingi N’Ente Tingi and the cows

Written by Ingrid Schechter

Illustrated by Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Kangume Rhodah

Language Rutooro

Level Level 2

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Tingi yaikaraga nanyinenkuru.

Tingi lived with his grandmother.

Barolerraga ente zaabu hamu.

He used to look after the cows with her.

Kiro kimu abaserukali.

One day the soldiers came.

Baija batwara ente zoona.

They took the cows away.

Tingi nanyinenkura bakairuka bayesereke.

Tingi and his grandmother ran away and hid.

Bakesereka kuhika itumbi.

They hid in the bush until night.

Abaserukali bakamara bagaruka.

Then the soldiers came back.

Tingi nanyinenkuru bayesereka hansi mubikoora.

Grandmother hid Tingi under the leaves.

Omuserukali omu yarubata Tingi baitu atateere nduuru akaculeera’ chi’.

One of the soldiers put his foot right on him, but he kept quiet.

Tingi nanyinenkuru obubahuliire abaserukali bagenda bakuta kuta barugayo.

When it was safe, Tingi and his grandmother came out.

Bokasooba mpora bataaha.

They crept home very quietly.

Written by: Ingrid Schechter
Illustrated by: Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Kangume Rhodah
Language: Rutooro
Level: Level 2
Source: Tingi and the Cows from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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