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Anansi Ka Aosou Anansi and Wisdom

Written by Ghanaian folktale

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Dennis Lokitare

Language Turkana

Level Level 3

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Kolong ang’orot pe ayenete ng’itung’a idiobore. Pe ayenete tani ekitae ng’ikinyam, kori akidong ngoorui, kori akitiek ng’asua. Ayakar akuj Nyame alokidiama nadis aosou akopit kadaang etia ni etia. Ewakinit aosou keng daang namot nalupe.

Long long ago people didn’t know anything. They didn’t know how to plant crops, or how to weave cloth, or how to make iron tools. The god Nyame up in the sky had all the wisdom of the world. He kept it safe in a clay pot.

Akwaar apei abu akuj Nyame todung atamar ainakini amot na aosou nia Anansi. Nachapak daang eng’olenakini Anansi tooma amot nalupe, abu toyen ibore nikitetet. Arai ibore niketalakaran lokojokon!

One day, Nyame decided that he would give the pot of wisdom to Anansi. Every time Anansi looked in the clay pot, he learned something new. It was so exciting!

Nakanenei abu Anansi nakadakan kitamak,” Ewakini amot niajokon Kidiama ekitoe lokooyen, nipe nyepedori itwaan niche aanyun. Sodi atopedoria akiting amot aria ayong elope. Abu kitisir auno a ng’ichok a epini toinik auno namot nalupe ng’ina. Ani erumor toinikin Anansi auno nachir keng, kineneun amot ng’aren keng, sodi kisiek adokar Kidiama lokitoe.”

Greedy Anansi thought, “I’ll keep the pot safe at the top of a tall tree. Then I can have it all to myself!” He spun a long thread, wound it round the clay pot, and tied it to his stomach. He began to climb the tree. But it was hard climbing the tree with the pot bumping him in the knees all the time.

Na kaneni abu togogeng’er akidok lokitoe ka amot na anang’anang’ae ng’akung’in keng nachapak daang. Sodi kisiek Anansi aking’o ana abutorokor nabo toburunite. Awei lokookeng a Anansi loochi apak daang alokwap ekitoe ite ng’esi. Tlim tama,” Pe abeben iyong adokar lokitoe inapit amotia?” Abu Anansi kikatak akinap amot nalupe na eleleba aosou alokaku keng, abu tobebener lokojokon.

All the time Anansi’s young son had been standing at the bottom of the tree watching. He said, “Wouldn’t it be easier to climb if you tied the pot to your back instead?” Anansi tried tying the clay pot full of wisdom to his back, and it really was a lot easier.

Ka atipei abu tanang Kidiama ekitoe. Nabo abu towo kitama. “Achamakina ayong ayakar aosou daang, na kaneni abu lokokang tooser noi kedwang ayong.” Abu Anansi tonyunyur noi kimasu amot kwap nikalapatan a ekitoe.

In no time he reached the top of the tree. But then he stopped and thought, “I’m supposed to be the one with all the wisdom, and here my son was cleverer than me!” Anansi was so angry about this that he threw the clay pot down out of the tree.

Kielielar torau ng’ikabel. Erot logo ng’esi aanyuneta ng’itung’a eger lo itare, akidony ngoorui ka akiteak ng’iboro a ng’asua, ka ng’ibore cha daang lu eyenete ng’itung’a esube.

It smashed into pieces on the ground. The wisdom was free for everyone to share. And that is how people learned to farm, to weave cloth, to make iron tools, and all the other things that people know how to do.

Written by: Ghanaian folktale
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Dennis Lokitare
Language: Turkana
Level: Level 3
Source: Anansi and Wisdom from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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