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Atiakun Akiroit Decision

Written by Ursula Nafula

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Simon Ipoo

Language Turkana

Level Level 2

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Ayakar kolong adakar kosi ng’ichan lukaalak. Eding’iding’ae ewokio ng’akipi alochor.

My village had many problems. We made a long line to fetch water from one tap.

Edaruuniyo sua akimuj na eyaunit najokotau.

We waited for food donated by others.

Agoleneo ng’awiyei jiik kotere ng’ikokolak lu apetuna.

We locked our houses early because of thieves.

Apotu ng’ide lukaalak toisikis akisomare esukul.

Many children dropped out of school.

Asubete ng’ide lupesur luuchik etich ang’awiyei ang’itunga toriamuneta ng’asiling’a.

Young girls worked as maids in other villages.

Epasaate ng’isapa alokiding adakar, etiyaate luche etich ang’amanat ang’itung’a.

Young boys roamed around the village while others worked on people’s farms.

Arai na ekutunia ekuwam, kilelebun ng’akalakalia lokito ka ng’alarin.

When the wind blew, waste paper hung on trees and fences.

Todung’udung’osi ng’achupae na eleleba wadaang ng’itung’a.

People were cut by broken glass that was thrown carelessly.

Apei kwaar towon aperech tong’opa ng’akipi.

Then one day, the tap dried up and our containers were empty.

Abu apakang tochunak ng’itung’a daang lokiriam adakar.

My father walked from house to house asking people to attend a village meeting.

Tochunakin ng’itung’a kwap ekitoe loapolon topupokis.

People gathered under a big tree and listened.

Tonyou ng’esi tama, “Echamitae ng’oni daang esiriama ng’atameta eng’arakinotor.”

My father stood up and said, “We need to work together to solve our problems.”

Abu Juma-lo arai ng’ikaru ng’ikankauni-kirema alokwap ekitoe tama, “Apedori ayong eng’arak alowae alo akiteseg akwap.”

Eight-year-old Juma, sitting on a tree trunk shouted, “I can help with cleaning up.”

Tama aberu apei, “Potu ng’aberu daang eng’arakinos akitauni akimuj anamanat.”

One woman said, “The women can join me to grow food.”

Tama eche-kile enyouni kidiama, “Tobokut ng’ikiliok akare ang’akipi.”

Another man stood up and said, “The men will dig a well.”

Eremasi sua daang aetoil atamasi, “Potu elokonyo eboyor yok!” Anyoun akwar ng’ina atotiakutu sua daang asubakin eboyor kosi.

We all shouted with one voice, “We must change our lives.” From that day we worked together to solve our problems.

Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Simon Ipoo
Language: Turkana
Level: Level 2
Source: Decision from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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