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Unozibele Namanwele Amathathu Nozibele and the three hairs

Written by Tessa Welch

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa

Language Xhosa

Level Level 3

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Kudala-dala, amantombazana amathathu ahamba aya kutheza iinkuni.

A long time ago, three girls went out to collect wood.

Yayiyimini eshushu, ngoko ke baya ezantsi emlanjeni ukuya kuqubha. Enye yamantombaza, egama linguNozibele, yayine neklesi entle yeentsimbi emqaleni wayo. Wayeyenzelwe ngumakhulu wakhe. UNozibele wayikhulula ineklesi yakhe wayibeka ngononophelo elityeni phakathi kwenqgumba zeenkuni. Wabe sele etsibela emanzini naye.

It was a hot day so they went down to the river to swim. They played and splashed and swam in the water.

Balibala ngexesha. Ngephanyazo, baphawula ukuba kwakurhatyele. Bangxama ukubuyela elalini.

Suddenly, they realised that it was late. They hurried back to the village.

Xa bekufutshane ekhaya, uNozibele wabeka isandla sakhe entanyeni. Wayelibele ineklesi yakhe! Wathi kubahlobo bakhe, “Ncedani niphindele eliweni nam. Ndilibele ineklesi yam.” Kodwa abahlobo bakhe balandula besithi, “Asinakuhamba nawe. Kusebusuku kakhulu, oomama bethu baza kusohlwaya.” UNozibele wacenga abahlobo bakhe ukuba bajike naye, kodwa bala.

When they were nearly home, Nozibele put her hand to her neck. She had forgotten her necklace! “Please come back with me!” she begged her friends. But her friends said it was too late.

Ngoko ke, uNozibele waya yedwa emlanjeni. Wayifumana eliweni ineklesi yakhe. Wabeka iinkuni zakhe phantsi, wanxiba ineklesi yakhe, waza wachola iinkuni zakhe kwakhona. Ngoku kwakusele kumnyama. UNozibele wangxama ukuya elalini. Kodwa, walahleka ebumnyameni.

So Nozibele went back to the river alone. She found her necklace and hurried home. But she got lost in the dark.

Ekuqgibeleni, uNozibele wabona ukukhanya kude phaya. Wangxama ukuya ekukhanyeni. Wafumana indlu. Yayiyindlu encinane. UNozibele wankqonkqoza emnyango. Nkqo nkqo nkqo!

In the distance she saw light coming from a hut. She hurried towards it and knocked at the door.

Wothuka ukubona inja ivula ucango. “Ufuna ntoni?” yabuza inja. “Ndilahlekile, yaye ndidinga indawo yokulala,” waphendula uNozibele. “Ngena,” inja yatsho. “Andizange ndibe sendlwini yenja,” waphendula uNozibele. “Ngena ngaphakathi, okanye ndiza kuluma!” yabhavuma inja. Ngoko ke, uNozibele wangena ngaphakathi.

To her surprise, a dog opened the door and said, “What do you want?” “I’m lost and I need a place to sleep,” said Nozibele. “Come in, or I’ll bite you!” said the dog. So Nozibele went in.

Yaza inja yathi, “Ndiphekele!” “Andizange ndaphekela izinja ukutya,” watsho ngoloyiko uNozibele. “Pheka! Okanye, ndiza kuluma!” yamsongela inja. Ngoko ke, uNozibele wayiphekela inja.

Then the dog said, “Cook for me!” “But I’ve never cooked for a dog before,” she answered. “Cook, or I’ll bite you!” said the dog. So Nozibele cooked some food for the dog.

Yaza inja yathi, “Ndandlalele ibhedi!” UNozibele waphendula ngelizwi elingcangcazelayo luloyiko, “Andizange ndandlalela inja ibhedi.” “Yandlala ibhedi, okanye ndiza kuluma!” Yavungama inja. Ngoko ke, uNozibele wayandlala ibhedi.

Then the dog said, “Make the bed for me!” Nozibele answered, “I’ve never made a bed for a dog.” “Make the bed, or I’ll bite you!” the dog said. So Nozibele made the bed.

Ngemini elandelayo, uNozibele wacinga ukuba angagoduka, kodwa inja yathi, “Yonke imihla, tshayela, upheke, kwaye undihlambele.” Ngoko ke uNozibele wahlala. Ngenye imini inja yathi, “Nozibele, namhlanje kufuneka ndindwendwele abahlobo abathile. Tshayela indlu, upheke ukutya, uze uhlambe izinto zam phambi kokuba ndifike.”

Every day she had to cook and sweep and wash for the dog. Then one day the dog said, “Nozibele, today I have to visit some friends. Sweep the house, cook the food and wash my things before I come back.”

Kwakamsinya yakumka inja, uNozibele waxhwitha entlokweni yakhe iinwele ezintanthu. Wabeka unwele lokuqala phantsi kwebhedi. Wabeka unwele lwesibini emva kocango. Waza wabeka unwele lwesithathu ebuhlanti. Akugqiba, wabaleka ngesikhulu isantya ukuya kowabo.

As soon as the dog had gone, Nozibele took three hairs from her head. She put one hair under the bed, one behind the door, and one in the kraal. Then she ran home as fast as she could.

Kungekudala, inja yafika endlwini yayo. Yakhangela uNozibele, kodwa ayamfumana. Yakhwaza, “Nozibele, uphi na?” “Ndilapha, phantsi kwebhedi,” lwaphendula unwele lokuqala. Inja yakhangela phantsi kwebhedi, kodwa uNozibele wayengekho apho. Yakhwaza kwakhona, “Nozibele, uphi na?” Unwele lwesibini lwaphendula, “Ndilapha, emva kocango.” Yaza ke inja yakhangela emva kocango. Kodwa uNozibele wayengekho nalapho. Inja yaba nomsindo. Yakhonkotha ngokukhwaza, “Nozibele, uphi na!” Unwele lwesithathu lwaphendula, “Ndilapha ebuhlanti!” “Yakhangela ebuhlanti inja. Kodwa do! UNozibele.”

When the dog came back, he looked for Nozibele. “Nozibele, where are you?” he shouted. “I’m here, under the bed,” said the first hair. “I’m here, behind the door,” said the second hair. “I’m here, in the kraal,” said the third hair.

Yaza ke inja yayazi ukuba uNozibele uyiqhathile. Yaba nomsindo kakhulu. Yabaleka, yabaleka, yabaleka yonke indlela eya elalini! Kodwa elalini, amadoda ayelinde neentonga zawo. Ithe inja yakuwabona amadoda, yajika yabaleka. Ayizange iphinde ibonwe ukususela ngaloo mini.

Then the dog knew that Nozibele had tricked him. So he ran and ran all the way to the village. But Nozibele’s brothers were waiting there with big sticks. The dog turned and ran away and has never been seen since.

Written by: Tessa Welch
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Ntombizodwa Gxowa-Dlayedwa
Language: Xhosa
Level: Level 3
Source: Nozibele and the three hairs from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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