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Umbhongolo, Usana Olusisimanga Donkey Child

Written by Lindiwe Matshikiza

Illustrated by Meghan Judge

Translated by Nana Zajiji

Language Xhosa

Level Level 3

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Yabayintombazana encinane eyabona umbono omangalisayo usondela.

It was a little girl who first saw the mysterious shape in the distance.

Uthe xa ukufutshane, intomabazana yabona ukuba ngumama okhulelweyo.

As the shape moved closer, she saw that it was a heavily pregnant woman.

Yathi ithandabuza injalo, yaqweba isibindi yaya kuye umama okhulelweyo.

Shy but brave, the little girl moved nearer to the woman. “We must keep her with us,” the little girl’s people decided. “We’ll keep her and her child safe.”

Usana lwakhawuleza ukuza emva koko. Wonke umntu wayefuna ukuncedisa.

The child was soon on its way. “Push!” “Bring blankets!” “Water!” “Puuuuussssshhh!!!”

Kodwa bathi abantu bakubona usana, batsiba bonke kukothuka. “Imbhongolo?!”

But when they saw the baby, everyone jumped back in shock. “A donkey?!”

Baqala baphikisana. “Besithe sizomkhusela umama kunye nosana. Kufuneka senze njalo,” kwatsho abathile. “Kodwa bazosiphathela amashwa!” kwatsho abanye.

Everyone began to argue. “We said we would keep mother and child safe, and that’s what we’ll do,” said some. “But they will bring us bad luck!” said others.

Wazibona eyedwa kwakhona umama. Wayexakiwe ukuba uzoluthini olusana olusisimanga kangaka. Wayengazi nokuba makazithini yena kuqala.

And so the woman found herself alone again. She wondered what to do with this awkward child. She wondered what to do with herself.

Kodwa ekugqibeleni, walwamkela usana lwakhe. Intokunayo, ukuba usana lwaluye lwahlala luluncinci lunjalo, izinto ngezingazange zijike.

But finally she had to accept that he was her child and she was his mother.

UMbhongolo olusana wakhula, wakhula wade wangalingani kumama emqolo. Wathi noba ezama kangakanani, wangakwazi ukuziphatha ngendlela eqhelekileyo yabantu.

Now, if the child had stayed that same, small size, everything might have been different. But the donkey child grew and grew until he could no longer fit on his mother’s back. And no matter how hard he tried, he could not behave like a human being. His mother was often tired and frustrated. Sometimes she made him do work meant for animals.

Umsindo wazala ngaphakathi kuMbhongolo.

Confusion and anger built up inside Donkey. He couldn’t do this and he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t be like this and he couldn’t be like that. He became so angry that, one day, he kicked his mother to the ground.

Emva koko uMbhongolo wathi shu ziintloni. Wabaleka ngokukhawuleza, wemka.

Donkey was filled with shame. He started to run away as far and fast as he could.

Ubaleke kwade kwabasebusuku, waziqonda ukuba ulahlekile.

By the time he stopped running, it was night, and Donkey was lost. “Hee haw?” he whispered to the darkness. “Hee Haw?” it echoed back. He was alone. Curling himself into a tight ball, he fell into a deep and troubled sleep.

Uthe xa evuka uMbhongolo wabona ixhego angalaziyo limjongile. Walijonga naye emehlweni waziva efikelwa yintwana yethemba.

Donkey woke up to find a strange old man staring down at him. He looked into the old man’s eyes and started to feel a twinkle of hope.

UMbhongolo wahamba wayohlala nalo ixhego. Ixhego lamfundisa iindlela ngeendlela zokuphila. UMbhongolo waphulaphula, wafunda lukhulu. Nexhego nalo lafunda kuMbhongolo. Bahlala kamnandi bencedisana bonwabile.

Donkey went to stay with the old man, who taught him many different ways to survive. Donkey listened and learned, and so did the old man. They helped each other, and they laughed together.

Kuthe ngenye intseni, ixhego lacela uMbhongolo ukuba aliqabelise phezu kwentaba.

One morning, the old man asked Donkey to carry him to the top of a mountain.

Bathe xa bephezulu, phakathi kwamafu, bozela balala. UMbhongolo waphupha ngathi umama wakhe uyagula, uyambiza.

High up amongst the clouds they fell asleep. Donkey dreamed that his mother was sick and calling to him. And when he woke up…

Xa evuka, amafu abe enyamalele nomhlobo wakhe, ixhego naye enyamalele.

… the clouds had disappeared along with his friend, the old man.

UMbhongolo wayazi into ekufuneka eyenzile.

Donkey finally knew what to do.

Wemka wayofuna umama wakhe. Wamfumana eyedwa elilela usana lwakhe olulahlekileyo. Xa bebonana, baqala ngokujongana ithuba elide. Emva koko bawolana ngamandla.

Donkey found his mother, alone and mourning her lost child. They stared at each other for a long time. And then hugged each other very hard.

Ngoku uMbhongolo, usana olusisimanga benomama sebefunde izifundo ezininzi ngendlela yokuphila kamnandi kunye. Ngokuya kusiya nezinye iintsapho nazo zithoba umxhelo.

The donkey child and his mother have grown together and found many ways of living side by side. Slowly, all around them, other families have started to settle.

Written by: Lindiwe Matshikiza
Illustrated by: Meghan Judge
Translated by: Nana Zajiji
Language: Xhosa
Level: Level 3
Source: Donkey Child from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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