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Amaremwa ka Kukhu Grandma's bananas

Written by Ursula Nafula

Illustrated by Catherine Groenewald

Translated by Catherine Were

Language Oluwanga

Level Level 4

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Eshilundu shia Kukhu shiali shiamakana-shietsulamo amabere, obule, nende emioko. Ne amaremwa niko akalimo amalayi muno okhushira fiosi, okhuba niko akayachesa buli eshise mu mwaka. Kukhu yali nende abetsukhulu abaanji. Ne esie nali nemanyira mumwoyo busa mbu esie niye wayachama okhushira. Kukhu yambooleranga amefiswi matitititi. Nabutswa eliamefiswi elala lialiwo shiamboolera tawe- wayenjekhanga amaremwa.

Grandma’s garden was wonderful, full of sorghum, millet, and cassava. But best of all were the bananas. Although Grandma had many grandchildren, I secretly knew that I was her favourite. She invited me often to her house. She also told me little secrets. But there was one secret she did not share with me: where she ripened bananas.

Inyanga ndala ndalola eshimwero eshikhoongo nishibakalwe khu mubasu, alwanyi we inzu ya kukhu. Olwa ndamureeba mbu shiali shia shiina, likalusio liandanyoola liali mbu, “Neshimwero shianje shiobufumu.” Ambi nende eshimwero esho, kaliwo amaru kamaremwa kayakalukhasinjia buli eshise. Ndanza okhupaara. “Amaru nakashiina kukhu?” Nemureeba. Likalusio liandanyoola liali mbu, “Namaru kobufumu bwanje.”

One day I saw a big straw basket placed in the sun outside Grandma’s house. When I asked what it was for, the only answer I got was, “It’s my magic basket.” Next to the basket, there were several banana leaves that Grandma turned from time to time. I was curious. “What are the leaves for, Grandma?” I asked. The only answer I got was, “They are my magic leaves.”

Kali okokhuchamisia okhulola kukhu, amaremwa, amaru nende eshimwero. Kukhu yamala yarume okhutsia wa mama wanje. “Kukhu bayie ndekha endolekho nga okasia …”. Ne shiyaulira akanje tawe. “Lekha okhunyasia, omwana ewe. Khola ngo obolirwa,” nakhaya sa. Ndarekukha tsimbiro.

It was so interesting watching Grandma, the bananas, the banana leaves and the big straw basket. But Grandma sent me off to my mother on an errand. “Grandma, please, let me watch as you prepare…” “Don’t be stubborn, child, do as you are told,” she insisted. I took off running.

Olwa ndakalukha, kukhu yali niyekhale elwanyi ne eshimwelo nomba amaremwa shikaliwo tawe. Kukhu, eshimwero shili yena, nako amaremwa koosi kale, khandi....”ne likalusio liandanyoola liali busa, “Fiosi fili wobufumu bwanje buli.” Kali kokhusinyisia muno!

When I returned, Grandma was sitting outside but with neither the basket nor the bananas. “Grandma, where is the basket, where are all the bananas, and where…” But the only answer I got was, “They are in my magic place.” It was so disappointing!

Tsinyanga tsibiri nitsiwere, kukhu yaruma okhumwendera omutunga kwe mushikoro shie shiokhukona. Olwa ndekula omuliango endi, ndabukaanirwa nende omuya kwa maremwa kenga. Mushikoro omo, shialimo eshimwero shia kukhu shiobufumu, nishifunikhwe obulayi nende lirungeti likofu. Ndafunula lirungeti, nesitia amolu khushimwero, nembunyirisia omuya oko.

Two days later, Grandma sent me to fetch her walking stick from her bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, I was welcomed by the strong smell of ripening bananas. In the inner room was grandma’s big magic straw basket. It was well hidden by an old blanket. I lifted it and sniffed that glorious smell.

Omwoyo kwa kukhu kwarengusia olwa yayiba, “okholanga shiina?Nderera bwangu ilabushi.” Ndayuka bwangu nende ilabushi ye. “Omwenya mwenyanga shiina?” niyandeba. Lirebo lie ero lianzitsulisia mbu, embere neshimwenyanga khulwo khunyoola amefiswi kobufumu bwe.

Grandma’s voice startled me when she called, “What are you doing? Hurry up and bring me the stick.” I hurried out with her walking stick. “What are you smiling about?” Grandma asked. Her question made me realise that I was still smiling at the discovery of her magic place.

Inyanga yalondakho, olwa kukhu yetsa okhuchendera mama, ndeyula munzu we okhukhaba amaremwa khandi. Ndanyoola eshisia shilala eshia mengu muno. Ndabwasula kho elala nefisa mungubo yanje. Nindakhakalusiakho lirungeti, ndabootokhana inyuma weinzu nelilia bwangu bwangu. Liali linulu okhushirakho elindi liosi lia ndaliakho.

The following day when grandma came to visit my mother, I rushed to her house to check the bananas once more. There was a bunch of very ripe ones. I picked one and hid it in my dress. After covering the basket again, I went behind the house and quickly ate it. It was the sweetest banana I had ever tasted.

Nibushiere, kukhu niyayanga eliani mundalo, ndekhwesa ninjira munzu ne ninenjera mushimwero. Nendola nikali ambi okhwenga kosi. Ndakhaywa okhwifwira, nekhwesakho eshisia shiamaremwa kane. Khulwo okhuyuyukhana khwa ndali nakhwo, ndebirira okhufunikhawo eshimwero. Ndaulila kukhu nakholola alwanyi olwa ndali ninjenderanga tsinzala okhurula elwanyi. Ndafisa amaremwa mungubo yanje ne nemuburakho bwangu.

The following day, when grandma was in the garden picking vegetables, I sneaked in and peered at the bananas. Nearly all were ripe. I couldn’t help taking a bunch of four. As I tiptoed towards the door, I heard grandma coughing outside. I just managed to hide the bananas under my dress and walked past her.

Inyanga yalondakho yali ye eshiiro. Kukhu yabukha itsuli. Yairanga amaremwa ne emioko okhukusia khu shiiro. Shindamucheniya bwangu nyangeyo tawe. Alali shindeefwira khu fise efirambi tawe.

The following day was market day. Grandma woke up early. She always took ripe bananas and cassava to sell at the market. I did not hurry to visit her that day. But I could not avoid her for long.

Angolobe, lwandalangwa nende mama, papa nende kukhu, ndamanya sa eshichira. Nga ndatsia okhukona eshiro esho, ndetsuba mbu shindakhebekho khandi tawe, okhurula khu kukhu, kata abebusi, nomba omundu yesi yesi.

Later that evening I was called by my mother and father, and Grandma. I knew why. That night as I lay down to sleep, I knew I could never steal again, not from grandma, not from my parents, and certainly not from anyone else.

Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Catherine Groenewald
Translated by: Catherine Were
Language: Oluwanga
Level: Level 4
Source: Grandma's bananas from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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