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Lwasiina tsifubu tsitamba bubwoya Why hippos have no hair

Written by Basilio Gimo, David Ker

Illustrated by Carol Liddiment

Translated by Aryada Naomi Nora

Language Lumasaaba

Level Level 2

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Lutwela yaba Matuyu ali khukyenda khwikelemetsi lye khunyatsa.

One day, Rabbit was walking by the riverside.

Wafubu naye aabaho,nga ikololaaka kho nalundi nga ali khulya bunyasi.

Hippo was there too, going for a stroll and eating some nice green grass.

Wafubu samanya ari Matuyu naye aliiwo ta,ari abira wamusamba khu sikele. Matuyu ayulukha wananikha khuwotseleela Wafubu ari,”Wafubu iwe! Iwe sunyala khubona uri watsimile khusikele ta?”

Hippo didn’t see that Rabbit was there and she accidentally stepped on Rabbit’s foot. Rabbit started screaming at Hippo, “You Hippo! Can’t you see that you’re stepping on my foot?”

Wafubu wisonesa naabi wikotseleela Matuyu ari, ”musaale wase sikhubone ta,.’ Nu’tsiyakhile.” Ne Matuyu sarekeresa ta,wawotseleela Wafubu ari, “ungaliilemo!. Ne ‘nyanga ulibona! ulihanda!”

Hippo apologised to Rabbit, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you. Please forgive me!” But Rabbit wouldn’t listen and he shouted at Hippo, “You did that on purpose! Someday, you’ll see! You’re going to pay!”

Nihabwenewo,Matuyu watsya khuhetsa Muliro wamuloma ari, “ Tsya,nga Wafubu arirurire mu metsi khulya bunyasi,umwosye. Aasambile ise!”

Rabbit went to find Fire and said, “Go, burn Hippo when she comes out of the water to eat grass. She stepped on me!” Fire answered, “No problem, Rabbit, my friend. I’ll do just what you ask.”

Lwanyuma ,Wafubu aaba ali khukhwaya bunyasi atayiikho khukhwama ilutsi amanyiliila “ wusyi!” Kumuliro kutindima kwananikha khukhwosya bubwoya bwewe bwosi.

Later, Hippo was eating grass far from the river when, “Whoosh!” Fire burst into flame. The flames began to burn Hippo’s hair.

Wafubu wananikha khukhwatsulukha nga atima i meetsi. Bubwoya bwewe bwoosi bwaya kumuliro. Wafubu wabeeleelela khukhwatsulukha ari, “Bubwoya bwase bwayiila mumuliro! Woosya bubwoya bwase bwoosi! Bubwoya bwase bwoosi bwawaho! Bubwoya bwase

Hippo started to cry and ran for the water. All her hair was burned off by the fire. Hippo kept crying, “My hair has burned in the fire! My hair is all gone! My beautiful hair!”

Nisyo sikila ni sya leelo Wafubu ayiila ambi ni kameetsi nga arya Muliro khu mwosya. Matuyu ikhoya naabi nga nabona Mulilo wosyele Wafubu,nga aloma ari, “Namunyaliile.”

Rabbit was happy that Hippo’s hair was burned. And to this day, for fear of fire, the hippo never goes far from the water.

Written by: Basilio Gimo, David Ker
Illustrated by: Carol Liddiment
Translated by: Aryada Naomi Nora
Language: Lumasaaba
Level: Level 2
Source: Why hippos have no hair from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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